суббота, 16 ноября 2019 г.

Do comments really count for SEO link building?

Comments don't hold the weight they once did within the world of organic SEO but that doesn't mean that they don't remain important on several levels even if they happen to be coming from a low page rank no-follow unninched minimal traffic source.
The very fact that I mentioned the attributes above means that commenting on sources that are...
  1. High page rank
  2. Do-Follow
  3. Niched
  4. High traffic
Locations are ideal when it comes to posting comments.
The reason I answered "no" to start is the importance of comments has changed.  While they might not have the ranking factor that they once did consider the act of balancing your check book.
Why is it important to get it right down to the last penny?
If we were to pass that same penny laying on the street how many of us would stoop to pick it up?
Similarly comment links fit into the entire balance of your Website marketing approach building ultimate power as a result to the overall scheme.  They may only hold the value of the penny but that does not therein disqualify their importance.
Further, Google pays attention to where traffic comes from.  If someone finds your comment and navigates to your site as a result Google likes to see that and will in time reward you for it.  This is yet another way that comment links are useful.
However, don't expect someone to navigate to your site because you left a comment that says "nice blog post".  That offers no value either to the blog or to the viewer.  If instead you leave high quality informative comments that leave people wanting more then getting results from comments which will directly and positively affect SEO rankings can indeed happen.
If you like me still believe in the power of building links from comments here is a list of 16 PR5 places where you can seek to obtain comment links.
Here is a list of PR6-8 locations where you can leave comments:
High PR Dofollow Blog Commenting Sites For 2016 Backlinks
For those hoping to take a shortcut with a flimsy comment approach don't.  You'll be wasting your time, the time of the blog owner and perhaps most importantly the viewer who will likely not be stopping by your site.  Hence the type of comment posting that won't do much of anything for your SEO results.

source http://tessrijogo.blogspot.com/2019/11/do-comments-really-count-for-seo-link.html

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